Note: Bellvue Job template v1

30/5/2020 5p – Duncan

Created this template.

Need some serious styling up (but at least created for the minute).

This template will be used to style up a page for all Bellvue Jobs.

The listing grid item(s) have not been created yet – but of course we’ll be able to filter those by Categories (Taxonomy).  We have:
Job, Featured, Product and Service categories so far.

(You can create any other categories you wish too).

Metal mural artwork for IT company

We made this really cool IT company mural for their business frontage. They love it – and if you know Christchurch pretty well then we assume you know this metal artwork.
We made this really cool IT company mural for their business frontage. They love it - and if you know Christchurch pretty well then we assume you know this metal artwork.

Detailed description:

And this is the detailed description.

We can do text colour and bold and italic in this WYSIWYG editor and also input pictures inline to describe the job, or process, or server or product etc.

Let’s put one in here! …

And some cool description to describe any picture we use.

Anything goes really.  That said, this should be a job, work, service, product description.

So um… try and keep it that way.


Image Gallery: